A sequel to Ghost of a Tale, aptly titled Ghost of a Tale 2, has been officially announced. The game, made using Unreal Engine 5, doesn’t yet have any more details for it other than a single screenshot shared by developer Lionel “Seith” Gallat on Twitter.
Answering questions from various Twitter users, Gallat has revealed that that Ghost of a Tale 2 will mark his studio’s move away from Unity Engine, with him having spent around eight months learning how to develop using Unreal Engine 5.
The original Ghost of a Tale was released back in 2018, and puts players in the shoes of a ministrel mouse named Tilo. Gameplay revolves around exploration, hack-and-slash action, and stealth elements.
While Ghost of a Tale was released on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, it is currently unknown what platforms Ghost of a Tale 2 will be released on. Considering the use of Unreal Engine 5, it is quite likely that the game will be released on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
"Have you seen this Mouse…?"#GhostOfATale2 #UnrealEngine5 pic.twitter.com/wBixeo5c0j
— Seith (@SeithCG) December 27, 2022