Risk of Rain Returns – Survivors, Artifacts, and First Screenshots Revealed

Hopoo Games’ next title is another Risk of Rain, but it’s going back to where it all began. Risk of Rain Returns is a remake of the 2013 side-scrolling rogue-like, which sees players venturing to Petrichor V and doing everything possible to survive. On its Steam page, the developer confirmed that there are 15 unique survivors, including Loader, the Chef, shield-wielding Enforcer, and toxic Acrid (with two brand-new characters debuting). There are new abilities for each to unlock, and you can either go solo or in co-op. Multiplayer has been overhauled, and in addition to online play, there’s couch co-op for up to four players. Items like Ukulele and Brilliant Behemoth return, but there are also over 10 Artifacts which serve as mutators. You could start with random equipment that changes with each use and fight off an invasion of Imps at regular intervals. Hopoo Games also confirmed updated sound FX and composer Chris Christodoulou adding some new music. You can also expect “countless rebalancing and gameplay tweaks,” returning items from Risk of Rain 2 and brand new ones, new Stage Variants, new interactables, and full Steam integration. Risk of Rain Returns is out in 2023 for Nintendo Switch and PC. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.
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